MBA's, Engineers, Commerce grads, Lawyers, Doctors, Pharmacists, etc. seem to make their way through life in what many would consider a "successful" manner, at least economically. A lot of arts and humanities undergrads seem to find themselves under or unemployed or in a McJob somewhere well down their preference list.
Indeed, this article makes a reasoned case -- in a very entertaining and funny manner -- that a non-professional degree gives you little more than a whack of student debt. So screw Arts, right? Head straight for a professional degree by the least painful method possible, right?
Or dump university altogether and get a trade.
Not under this Emperor, my faux-rational slacker-dude readers.
When I am Emperor, the basic rule is: All capable will take a minimum of 2 years of General Arts/Humanities before being allowed anywhere near a "professional" or career degree program. The idea is that you learn to think and get exposed to a wide variety of people, thinking, isms, ists, onomies and osophies BEFORE you get to hang out with a pack of like-minded, like-talented borgs trying to come up with an "edge" or the 4-decimal-point answer to everything. [Many Artsies already know the answer is a nice round 42].
Once I'm Emperor, a lot of important things will be quickly simplified and resolved to the benefit of all.
Explain, please.
I keep hoping that the world, in its wisdom, will eventually realize how much better off they might be with me as Emperor.
I would, of course, be open to suggestions and compromise, be totally benevolent, fair and wise.
It should be noted that these things aren't just quirks or biased opinions. They are absolute truths (admittedly not obvious to everyone). Just trust me on this.
I would, of course, be open to suggestions and compromise, be totally benevolent, fair and wise.
It should be noted that these things aren't just quirks or biased opinions. They are absolute truths (admittedly not obvious to everyone). Just trust me on this.